San Jose City Sued for Requiring Liability Insurance to Gun Owners

The dems continue their move to call for stricter gun control laws to take away our freedom. They pretend that they’re doing this

to lessen crime rates in the country. But, in reality, they only want to chop off a huge part of our “Republican culture.”

A few weeks ago, these twisted liberals had a hard time stripping away our gun rights. First, our Republicans in Senate passed a gun bill to allow firearms on college campuses. Then, two counties were caught violating the 2nd amendment rights after closing several gun stores in their area.

The year 2022 may be a great start for us patriots, but it seems that the dems continue to be persistent in taking away… or at least reducing our gun rights.

Now, the National Association for Gun Rights is suing the City of San Jose after passing a bill that can potentially harm our “Republican Culture.” It was reported that the city wants to require gun owners to purchase liability insurance.

The liability insurance for gun owners will include a $25 fee. It will be distributed to nonprofits that work with suicide prevention, domestic violence, and firearms training.

Dem mayor Sam Licardo shared his thoughts in an interview. To no one’s surprise, he only pretended that the bill’s purpose is for protecting the people in the city.

Licardo said, “We want to encourage folks to deploy approaches that will reduce gun harm in their own communities. We’re going to learn from each other. We’re gonna take the best ideas and hopefully scale them.”

The sad reality is the bill is only intended to punish law-abiding gun owners… and make it more expensive to own a firearm. This has nothing to do with preventing crime. 

This triggered our patriot leaders to fight back against this nonsense…

Dudley Brown of the National Association for Gun Rights is spearheading the legal battle. The lawsuit claims that the city has no right to charge gun owners a $25 annual fee… because it’s a tax on their Second Amendment right.

Brown said, “We did it immediately because we wanted to make it very clear that there were ramifications to passing America’s most insane gun control.”

Local Republican attorney Harmeet Dhillon also assists Brown with the lawsuit to stop the liberals. She also believes that the bill requiring gun owners to pay insurance is unconstitutional.

Dhillon said, “The United States Supreme Court ruled that the power to tax is the power to destroy a given activity effectively. That is why the courts are highly skeptical of taxes on constitutional rights.”

Then she added, “This ordinance says that the city of San Jose isn’t going to be controlling how the money is spent. That itself is unconstitutional under city law and state law.”

San Jose City is only punishing tax responsible gun owners for what illegal gun owners do. The liability insurance is just extra money for the government. It also discourages both current and future gun owners from owning firearms. 

The dems are creating another misguided progressive policy… that shifts blame from the real issue. As long as the media covers for them, there can be no real progress in solving the underlying crime issue. 

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